Soleá Morente

About Soleá

Soleá Morente (born in Madrid in 1985) is a Spanish flamenco singer and actress. In 2017 she visited us in Amsterdam to present the music documentary ‘Omega’ and perform a live show with Antonio Arias from ‘Lagartija Nick‘.

She does not consider herself a ‘cantaora’, but she is flamenco, combining the heritage of flamenco culture with influences from pop rock or even alternative rock. Although she was born in Madrid, she grew up in Granada.

After several collaborations with the band ‘Los Evangelistas‘ in 2015, she published ‘Tendrá que haber un camino’, her first solo album, followed in early 2018 by her second work, ‘Ole Lorelei‘. In 2020, she released his third album, ‘Lo que te falta‘.

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